Level up
legal ops

Flexible, scalable Legal Ops-as-a-Service​

Transform your legal team into the ultimate business partner

Drive value without the guesswork or bandwidth constraints


Heads of Legal expect tangible results from their legal operations teams. With Level-up Legal Ops, you can achieve exactly that!

Level-up Legal Ops unlocks value, maximises tech investments, and delivers the outcomes you’ve been striving for.


Legal Ops Optimise

For legal teams who want to improve their legal operations capability through:

  • better use of tech
  • optimised processes, and
  • impactful data and insights

Legal Ops Enhance

A hassle-free, scalable Legal Ops-as-a-Service to meet your needs and budget for legal teams who want to focus on their core legal work.

Access our best-in-class resources and expertise on demand or in a dedicated, managed service manner:

      • reduce waste
      • increase productivity
      • optimise performance
      • no headcount or management hassle

Legal Ops Spark

For legal teams who need legal ops capability but don’t have the bandwidth to build one.

We’ll assist you by:

  • designing, building and transferring to you, your legal operations capability, whether you need end-to-end support or just specific parts
  • we’ll ensure seamless delivery and high-quality results at every stage of the process

Legal ops Insights

For legal teams who work with legacy business systems or on their own legal technology platforms but could be better at:

      • data governance
      • structuring the data the legal team and business currently generates
      • developing more business-aligned metrics and KPIs with the goal of generating impactful insights for the team and business

Legal Ops Flow

For legal teams who have a solid legal ops foundation and want to improve their legal operations capability by focusing on:

  • more advanced process automation
  • machine-assisted (AI) use cases

How can we help?

Interested in levelling up your legal ops?